Journal of Geography
1. [1]Rod Lane,Jennifer Carter,Theresa Bourke. Concepts, Conceptualization, and Conceptions in Geography[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(1),11-20.
2. [2]M. Beth Schlemper,Brinda Athreya,Kevin Czajkowski,Victoria C. Stewart,Sujata Shetty. Teaching Spatial Thinking and Geospatial Technologies Through Citizen Mapping and Problem-Based Inquiry in Grades 7-12[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(1),21-34.
3. [3]Eduardo Medeiros. The Age of Sustainable Development[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(1),49-50.
4. [4]Cadey Korson. Global Disorder in the Undead World: Teaching Geopolitics With Zombies[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(1),35-48.
5. [5]Bob Kolvoord,Kathryn Keranen,Stuart Rittenhouse. The Geospatial Semester: Concurrent Enrollment in Geospatial Technologies[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(1),3-10.
Libbee. Citation for Phil Gersmehl and Carol Gersmehl 2018 Recipients of the
George J Miller Award for Distinguished Service[J]. Journal of
7. [1]Schalk Raath,Anette Hay. Preservice Geography Students’ Exposure to Systems Thinking and Cooperative Learning in Environmental Education[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(2),66-76.
8. [2]Barney Warf. Teaching Digital Divides[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(2),77-87.
9. [3]Esohe E. Egiebor,Ellen J. Foster. Students’ Perceptions of Their Engagement Using GIS-Story Maps[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(2),51-65.
10. [4]Mark C. Jones,Marcos Luna. Geography Deserts: State and Regional Variation in the Formal Opportunity to Learn Geography in the United States, 2005–2015[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(2),88-100.
11. [1]Derek Ruez,Michael G. Strawser,Francis T. Hutchins. Incorporating Geography, Contingently: Geographic Pedagogies in a University Without a Geography Department[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(3),117-129.
12. [2]Mary D. Curtis. Professional Technologies in Schools: The Role of Pedagogical Knowledge in Teaching With Geospatial Technologies[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(3),130-142.
13. [3]Martin Hanus & Lenka Havelková.Teachers’Concepts of Map-Skill Development[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(3),101-116.
14. [1]Agnes Świętek,Stanley D. Brunn,Bożena Wójtowicz. Identifying and Removing the Silences of Roma Culture in Polish School Texts[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(4),169-184.
15. [2]Minsung Kim. Fostering Environmental Sensitivity by Observing Everyday Environments[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(4),157-168.
16. [3]Aubrey Golightly. Do Learning Style Preferences of Preservice Geography Teachers Matter in Self-Directed Learning?[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(4),143-156.
17. [1]Xiaowei Xuan,Qingna Jin,Injeong Jo,Yushan Duan,Mijung Kim. The Potential Contribution of Geography Curriculum to Scientific Literacy[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(5),185-196.
18. [2]Christina Lopez,Russell Weaver. Placing Intentional Communities in Geography[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(5),197-209.
19. [3]Gapcheol Kim. Critical Thinking for Social Justice in Global Geographical Learning in Schools[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(5),210-222.
20. [4]Zachary M. Osborne, Saskia L. van de Gevel, Montana A. Eck & Margaret Sugg.An Assessment of Geospatial Technology Integration in K–12 Education[J]. Journal of Geography,2019.
21. [1]Seow, Tricia, Chang, Julian, and Kim Neil Irvine. Field-Based Inquiry as a Signature Pedagogy for Geography in Singapore[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(6), 227-237.
22. [2]Shepardson, Daniel P. Students’ Conceptions of and Feelings About Land Use: Building a Conceptual Framework for Teaching and Learning About Land Use[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(6), 252-265.
23. [3]Cox, Marjolean, Elen, Jan, and An Steegan. The Use of Causal Diagrams to Foster Systems Thinking in Geography Education: Results of an Intervention Study[J]. Journal of Geography,2019,118(6),238-251.